Friday, March 9, 2012

Proverbs 7:1-27

"1My son, keep my sayings, and may you treasure up my own commandments with you. 2Keep my commandments and continue living, and my law like the pupil of your eyes. 3Tie them upon your fingers, and write them upon the tablet of your heart. 4Say to wisdom: “You are my sister”; and may you call understanding itself “Kinswoman,” 5to guard you against the woman stranger, against the foreigner who has made her own sayings smooth. 6For at the window of my house, through my lattice I looked down, 7that I might peer upon the inexperienced ones. I was interested in discerning among the sons a young man in want of heart, 8passing along on the street near her corner, and in the way to her house he marches, 9in the twilight, in the evening of the day, at the approach of the night and the gloom. 10And, look! there was a woman to meet him, with the garment of a prostitute and cunning of heart. 11She is boisterous and stubborn. In her house her feet do not keep residing. 12Now she is outdoors, now she is in the public squares, and near every corner she lies in wait. 13And she has grabbed hold of him and given him a kiss. She has put on a bold face, and she begins to say to him:14“Communion sacrifices were incumbent upon me. Today I have paid my vows. 15That is why I have come out to meet you, to look for your face, that I may find you. 16With coverlets I have bedecked my divan, with many-colored things, linen of Egypt. 17I have besprinkled my bed with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon. 18Do come, let us drink our fill of love until the morning; do let us enjoy each other with love expressions. 19For the husband is not in his house; he has gone traveling on a way of some distance. 20A bag of money he has taken in his hand. On the day of the full moon he will come to his house.”
21She has misled him by the abundance of her persuasiveness. By the smoothness of her lips she seduces him. 22All of a sudden he is going after her, like a bull that comes even to the slaughter, and just as if fettered for the discipline of a foolish man, 23until an arrow cleaves open his liver, just as a bird hastens into the trap, and he has not known that it involves his very soul.
24And now, O sons, listen to me and pay attention to the sayings of my mouth. 25May your heart not turn aside to her ways. Do not wander into her roadways. 26For many are the ones she has caused to fall down slain, and all those being killed by her are numerous. 27The ways to She´ol her house is; they are descending to the interior rooms of death."

What do you think about this bible text?

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