Friday, November 25, 2011

Fast Food vs. Sitdown Restaurant

The graph compares the number of meals per year between fast food and sitdown restaurant meals between the years 1970 and 2000.

It can be clearly seen that the number of meals annually for both fast food and sitdown restaurant meals has steadily increased throughout the period of three decades, although a distinguishable gap rate continuously grew between the two food industries. 

Both food industries stood at about 20 points in the year 1970. After which, the fast food meals increased slightly to  9 points while a higher estimated growth rate of 15 points for sitdown restaurant between years 1970 and 1980. This shows that in the early years, sitdown restaurant meals were more preferred. 

On the other hand, the graph reveals that the demand of fast food meals escalated after 1980s. There was a significant rise from below 30 to approximately 85 points in the number of meals per year for fast food between 1980 and 2000. Although extremely lower than fast food meals, sitdown restaurant meals also show a gradual rise from roughly 20 to nearly 50 points in the same years.

In conclusion, fastfood meals are more favored than sitdown restaurants from 1990s to the present.

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