Thursday, November 11, 2010

Two keys to happy marriage

I felt exhausted and tired, feeling down, i decided to read. I was able to pick up a book entitled The Secret of Family Happiness.

I flipped the page and read a paragraph, then it caught my attention and decided to read another and another until i finished the whole chapter. The topic was about Two Keys to a Lasting Marriage.

The first key is LOVE. there are different kinds of love: love for friends, family but the third is romantic love or'pe.

"There remain faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love." Corinthians 13:13.

Agape love is greater than faith and hope because it is governed by principles found in God's word.

It is unselfish concern for doing to others what is right and good from God's standpoint. "continue putting up with one another and forgiving one anoter freely if anyone has cause for complaint against another.

Loving married couples have cultivated intense love or agape for each other, because love covers a multitude of sins. Love covers, not eliminate, since no imperfect human can be free from error. -Psalm 130:3,4

With this cultivated by married couples, their marriage will last and be happy. "for love never fails".

The second key is RESPECT. It is defined as giving consideration to others, honoring them. There are counsels for both husbands and wives.

for husbands -> to continue dwelling in like manner with (your wife) according to knowledge, assigning her honor as to a weaker vessel, the feminine one." (1 Peter 3:7)

for wives -> "have deep respect for (your) husband." (Ephesians 5:33)

Respect help marriage partners to acknowledge differences in view points. Two people do not have identical view points. But each should respect the views and choices of the other, as long as these are within the boundaries of God's laws and principles.
Each should respect the dignity of the other by not making that one the object of demeaning comments or jokes, whether in public or in private.

How can they be applied?

The husband is the head of the wife. The wise husband learns how to exercise headship by imitating his own head. Christ Jesus.

Humble husbands admits his mistakes. A wife will find it much easier to respect the headship of a modest and humble husband. In turn, a respectful wife also apologizes when she is in error.

The capable wife was also described in Proverbs 31. Had many qualities and excellent talents and her family benefited fully because the heart of her husband "has put trust" in her. Proverbs 31:10, 11

Marriage is not like a ship with two captains on board. A husband was to exercise loving headship, and the wife was to manifest love, respect and willing submission.

A wife is also a real helper, being supportive of her husband in the decisions that he makes. Her active support can have a successful outcome.

Good communication is another area of marriage. The way wives and husbands communicate is important. "Pleasant sayings are... sweet to the soul and a healing to the bones." (Proverbs 16:24)

Principled love, honor and respect are important in a marriage. Married couple base their relationship with these, will have lasting and happy marriage. They honor not only each other but also the Originator of marriage, Jehovah God.

I used to study this topic but only now that i truly appreciate it.

God never failed me. As long as what i ask is in line to his will, I know God never fails people who calls upon him. In the middle of writing this article, God answered my prayer. ^^, Before I could even finish this topic.

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