Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Be Swift to Forgive

The purpose of forgiveness
is to unburden both our hearts
and the hearts of others
from unnecessary pain---
to free us from carrying around
the baggage of mistakes.
In the long run, it really
doesn't matter
who did what to whom;
what's more important
is the toll on our peace of mind
when we withold forgiveness.
A heart full of forgiveness
is a happy one,
and the lightness of spirit
and good cheer
can't help but spill over
onto those around us---
and everyone wins.
So be an example.
Show the world
that the act of forgiveness
is not just letting someone
"off the hook" ---
but to heal your own spirit
and get on with life
as it was meant to be lived.
-Linda Hersey

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