Sunday, June 13, 2010

She's ganna kill me when she sees this!

My sister making faces and this time she knows I'm taking pictures of her. ^^, unlike this one at the right...

Sis, don’t be angry. ^^, I just want to show the world how proud I am of you.

This is the other side of my sister’s personality, even though she would terrorize me sometimes especially if it’s related to work. She has a funny side and I think she is one of those few people who would understand my “not so funny jokes”. Kkkk

My sister has good qualities. Even though I don’t want to admit it, but I just realized I adore her. I like her because she is artistic. I would follow her drawings when I was a kid. I would also draw beside her when she draws, ask her to teach me how to draw even if she’s busy doing something. She would tell me not to bother her when she paints or when she’s is trying to finish her drawing.
Even though we usually fight when we were kids… I miss her… I missed her when she started to go following her own dreams.

Anyway, nang, uni, that’s the reason why I posted this. Don’t be mad! Their cute! ^^, Love you sis!

Updated: 2015
I just want to add, I can consider my sister as my best friend. I thank God I have you.

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