Friday, July 10, 2015

Food trip

Most people when mentioned about Korean food, they immediately think "spicy food". Well, that notion is correct is some degree. If you see food with a thick red or light red sauce, yes, most definitely it's a spicy food. There is a main ingredient added to these food, it's called gojujang 고추장  or red pepper paste. It is savory spicy fermented red chili, glutinous rice, fermented soy beans and salt; a familiar Korean condiment. Usually fermented for years to have that pungent smell. 

And since I live in Korea, I have come to love Korean food big time, spicy food, especially "kimchi" or "gimchi" 깁치, also a traditional fermented side dish made of vegetables with a variety of seasonings added with gojujang 고추장. A taste most Filipinos dread. Compared to most Filipino food which are mostly sweet if not sour or a combination of both or a bit bitter taste. Those are the kind of food most Filipino, (or is it just me?) would love. 

Every time we go out for a "shiksa" 식사 or a meal outside, and guilty for being one of those taking a picture first before eating. Well, I have a purpose don't I? Sharing it in my blog? A perfect excuse I suppose. Anyway, these are the pictures I have taken recently. I'll describe them to you one by one... 

Starting with tonight's meal. Tak-bokk-eum-yori 딱볶음요리, - to be continued...

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