Sunday, March 30, 2014

Finding the Paradise

God saw everything he had made and, look! it was very good.—Gen.1:31.
This gives me reason to keep going. The reason that God never breaks his promise to us all his creations. And one of his promises is that one day paradise will be restored and all those who have endured till that day may live forever. 

God is forgiving, he is grater than our hearts. Sometimes when I start to feel that I'm not worthy of his love, I just open the bible and he answers my prayers all the time. That God is greater than our hearts and he is the decerner of thoughts and hearts. He has forgiven us even before we asked for forgiveness. He sees the goodness in each of us. 

So for me, knowing that God still cares for me, gives me hope, and reminds me of why I'm alive and why I need to fight the fine fight, why I need to remember what God has done for me, and why I should be strong for my family, and help others know about God. 

And when that day happens, when God restores paradise, I'll look for my whole family, especially my husband and marry him all over again in paradise. That hope is what keeps me going everyday. 

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